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Dilove. The Center of Europe
Dilove has four churches. Two of them are wooden.
Dilove has four churches. Two of them are wooden.
Terebesfejérpatak (Ділове Tribušany Biely Potok Tribusa Alba) község Ukrajnában, Kárpátalja Rahói járásában. Фото Ігоря Скальського

Translated by Dictum Factum (Kyiv)


Map. 190 km from Uzhhorod.

47°56′9″ N. L. 24°10′30″ E. L.


If was the competition for the strangest name of Ukrainian villages, the village with the name Dilove ("a busy one") in Transcarpattya (Zakarpatska region) would be for sure among the candidates. Slovaks called this mountain village Trybushany Bilyi Potik (Tribušany Biely Potok), Romanians name is Trybushany Alba (Tribusa Alba), Hungarians' one is Terebesfejérpatak. The name Trybushany retraces here as well, but the Ukrainian version all the same remains Dilove. Alas :) Well, population of 2673 villagers should be very “busy”.

The name Dilove appeared in the documents in 1901, although officially a village was renamed in 1946 (the first mention of Trybushanne was in 1615). Dilove is near the Tisa River, even its huts are on the mountains, and there behind Tisa is already Romania, the European Union.


A long Slovak name Trybushany Bilyi Potik illustrates the history of Dilove in the best way. In their time two villages united in one: Trybushany and Bilyi Potik. According to the local legend, such name is due to three brothers Byshany. Except Ukrainians, in the nineteenth century in Trybushany lived Jews, Italians, Czechs, Slovaks, Germans, and Poles. Till the present days here posterities of those different nations live.


All the churches of Dilove are hidden in sidelong streets. To get to the Petropavlivska church (St. Peter and Paul church, 1860), which is situated in a cemetery, one had to crosscut the bridge over Tisa. This blue tin church was built over 110 years after another one, Assumption church, but they look like twins, one-in one (if not take into consideration tin and paint). They said it is such variations of Huzul style: a low tower at tetragonal roof with a small pseudo-baroque tubercle above and just below there is an openwork gallery.

The senior wooden sister is on the other bank of the river, near the brick cathedral. This is a territory of former Trebushany.

Church of Assumption was built in 1750 on the place where the bell from the mountain chapel which were damaged by lightening fell, at least so the legend says. In Soviet times, the church was closed, and since 1960 there was a local museum of regional ethnography. In 1995 the church was given to the local Greek Orthodox community which re-sanctified the temple into Nativity of the Virgin Mary. Due to the museum the church was saved from unnecessary reconstructions and preserved its interior.

The fourth Cathedral of Dilove was built in 1990's - it's a chapel which is used now by the Roman Catholic community of the village.

The mountain Pop Ivan Maromorosky (1940 m) is not far from Dilove.

A fragment from my guidebook “Transcarpattya touristic”:

The road runs for a long time along the state border and will say good bye to it only in suburb of Dilove (former name Trybushanne, 2673 inhabitants). Dilove is a village-fetish, a village-proof. Just near it in XIX century was set a monument, which indicates the center of Europe. The inscription on the monument announces:

“A permanent, exact, eternal place, defined very precisely by means of a special apparatus, which was made in Austria and Hungary, with the scale of meridians and parallels. Year 1887”.



Exactly in this point as if crossed the lines between Lisbon and Ural, and Franz Josef Land and the Bosphorus. To Kyiv, from here is 500 km (in a straight line), and to Budapest is only 380 km. To Prague is 900 km. To Vienna is 600 km. Near the Austro-Hungarian monument is a metal monument of Soviet times (1977). Although laurels of the center of Europe try to deprive many places in other countries, the column near the village is a favorite place of photographing for tourists both foreign and ukrainian ones. It is confirmed by the numerous garlands, which wind around by ribbons of Hungarian flag.

In the village there is a wooden church of Assumption (1750). In Dilove the marble has been extracted for a long time: near the settlement is a marble quarry.


Where is the center of Europe?


Measurements of our continent were carried out repeatedly and almost always indicated different points on the map. Now are known NINE centers of Europe.

In summer 2007 Institute of Geography in France conducted explorations under the methods which were developed by D. Mendeleev, and indicated that geographical center of Europe is situated near the capital of Lithuanian Vilnius.

The Government of Lithuania even received from the French Academy of Science the appropriate certificate. As to the monument in Dilove, there is the opinion, that about 20 of such monuments were placed in different parts of Austro-Hungary in order to indicate the center of Europe. The documents from Vienna archives contradict this "hypothesis" and prove that Kaiser Royal Military Geographical Institute searched the center of Europe and indicated it at bank of River Tisa near Dilove.

In plans of Ukrainian scientists is to conduct new explorations in order to confirm or disprove Dilove as the "center" of Europe.

Old pictures of Dilove
Old pictures of Dilove
Old pictures of Dilove
What a view!
Dilove in the Carpathians
Dilove in the Carpathians
A new church in Dilove
A new church in Dilove
A new church in Dilove
Church of Assumption (now is Church of Nativity of Virgin Mary). Photo by I. Skalskyi
Church of Assumption (now is Church of Nativity of Virgin Mary). Photo by I. Skalskyi
In old church of Dilove (1750).
In old church of Dilove (1750).
In old church of Dilove (1750).
St, Peter and Paul church (1860)
St, Peter and Paul church (1860)
A road to St, Peter and Paul church (1860)
A road to St, Peter and Paul church (1860)
Dilove. The Center of Europe
Dilove. The Center of Europe
Dilove. The Center of Europe

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