This place is highly popular among Ukrainian and foreign tourists - and not only because Synevyr is the biggest mount lake in Ukraine. This picturesque lake is a diamond of the mountains. Cold. Clear. Marvellous. It gave its name to the National natural park Synevyr which was found on January 5, 1989.
The beauty of local landscapes here is so unique that even those who have traveled to many parts of the world, who have seen many wonders of the world, will not remain indifferent to the modest and wild beauty of the Carpathians and one of their marvels - Lake Synevyr.
Synevyr shines like crystal-clear brilliant in the diamond-green setting of the Carpathian forest We usually say, Let's go down to the river, or let's go down to the lake, or let's go down to the sea. In case of Synevyr, we should say, Lei's go up to this lake.
Geologists say that about ten thousand years ago, geological processes occurring in the Carpathian Mountains left a depression which was filled with water from the mountain streams. The water in the lake is amazingly transparent, and the reflection of the blue sky in il must have suggested the name -Synevyr (the word suggests that two roots could have been combined: syni — "blue," and vyr - "whirlpool").
The old legend says about two young lovers, a blue-eyed girl named Syn', the only daugther of a local count, and a handsome shepherd Vyr. The evil count ordered to kill Vyr - and sorrowfull Syn' cried so long and desperately that her tears becomen a lake...
Right in the center of the lake sits a tiny islet - if the lake is an eve than the islet is its pupil. It gave the lake one more name. Blue Eye.
It is a rather deep lake - in some places it is 20 meters (60 feet) deep, with the average depth being 8.2 meters. Four mountain rivers empty into the lake which is also fed by some underground water sources.
Even in summer, the water in the lake, except for the surface layer, is pretty cold - 4 or 5 degrees Centigrade (about 40 Fahrenheit).
So you have to he an experienced winter swimmer to enjoy a dip in Synevyr.
The lake is situated at an elevation of 989 meters. The most advantageous view of the lake opens from the mountain summit which is located close by and is called Mount Ozrnya (Lake).
From the height of 1496 meters above the sea level, to which you can climb following a path through the forest rich in berries, you will enjoy a breathtaking panorama of the Carpathians in all their green glory. And right in the midst of it you will see the blue eye of Synevyr staring at you.
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